University physics and maths made easy.
No ifs, no buts, no hidden algebra: we help you learn advanced physics and mathematics for science and engineering with videos, 1:1 sessions, and dozens of problems solved step by step.
Hi everyone!
Bartomeu Monserrat
Bartomeu is Professor of Materials Physics at the University of Cambridge. He leads a research group exploring the quantum mechanical properties of matter, with interests including superconductors, semiconductors, topological materials, and low-dimensional materials. Bartomeu has over 10 years experience teaching physics and maths to undergraduate and graduate students in the UK, USA, Europe, and Asia. You can learn more about his academic work at his group website.
Mireia Crispin
Mireia is Assistant Professor in Computational Cancer Medicine at the University of Cambridge. She leads a research group using quantitative techniques to understand cancer, all informed by her background in Particle Physics with a PhD from the University of Oxford and CERN focusing on supersymmetry. Mireia has over 10 years experience teaching physics, maths, and machine learning to undergraduate and graduate students. You can learn more about her academic work at her group website.
The blended teaching approach provided for a fun learning experience and very clear communication of the topics.